
Dream Healing

Since biblical times, people have received important messages and guidance from their dreams. Most people today are quite dismissive of this special wisdom that comes to us each night. The truth is, we are throwing away the pearl of great value when we take this approach. If you resonate with any of these questions or just feel a general sense of unease, anxiety or depression, your dreams can help you understand what’s going on.

  • Do you have dreams and inner longings which you don’t quite understand? 

  • Do you feel lost or off course?

  • Would you like to be able to do certain things differently but feel ‘stuck’ where you are? 

  • Have you ever wondered why you are here and thought "There must be more to life than this"? 

  • Are you challenged by a sickness or ailment that puzzles the medical profession?

  • Have you ever wondered about your night dreams or had a huge dream you will never forget?

  • Have you experienced a ‘peak’ or ‘near death’ experience that you have been embarrassed to talk about?

If you have answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you will benefit from  Dream Healing. I can help by validating these feelings and provide you with wisdom, tools, and general signposts for life. I will offer you support to find your soul’s purpose and to work towards your ultimate potential in all ways, creating a life of purpose and meaning.


All of the services I offer are by appointment only and can be online or in-person in my Jupiter, FL office.

Dream Healing : $150 per hour

Individual Consulting and/or Psychotherapy : $150 per hour

Spiritual Consulting : $150 per hour


Working with a specific dream – teaching and practice : $199 per hour

Contact me if you have a specific dream you would like to understand.  I will provide you with a guide you can use at home on the dream. When you have completed this, we will meet for a 1 hour appointment. Within 48 hours I will provide a summary of questions for you to contemplate moving forward.

I am also available for lectures on dreams. Please contact me directly.


We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.

-C. G. Jung, ‘Man and his Symbols’